30 December, 2010

It's All About Exploration Because They Are All Inspirations

We receive comments and feedback asking whether which division of photography is Allspire about. The reason for such questions comes from the varieties of pictures we demonstrate in both our website and blog.

They say, "it is as if you do almost everything, so I am wondering if you are particularly good in something or you simply do everything?"

Sensitivity is a gift. It is something in the blood. That is how and why we call ourselves allspire. Allspire is not a valid word in any dictionary and the reason behind this name is "seeing all things as the inspiration and become the inspiration of all others".

Our belief is in realizing the true beauty and making it visible to people's eyes. Thus we look closely at things just in order for us to hear it's whisper.

Some photographers believe in creating the picture manually, while others does it by capturing from the right angle and at the right timing. It's as much as conducting an elegant and beautiful orchestra without using a baton. We appreciate all beings as an artwork created by nature not us.

So go back to the question, "are you particularly good in something or you simply do everything?" Our answer is, "We do only one thing - make the true beauty a masterpiece".

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