Everyone wants their wedding to be memorable. But what assures the memory? Whether you like it or not there's only (the most) 3 things you get to keep after your wedding - the ring, the wedding dress; and, yes, the captured moments (pictures).
Not many people are aware of the importance of photographs in their wedding. To them it is merely some pictures that will end up being stacked under the bed or on their wardrobe where it collects more dust than anything meaningful.
It is not true. The very reason one will put it away is because: they are not properly captured. Because they looked so ordinary like every other boring group photos and sometimes it's too many pieces of it until the disorganization upsets people. So their very natural reaction is: just keep it.
Imagine your wedding is properly photographed and nicely designed as well as laid out in a matching album for you to seal in all the wonderful memories and laughters that you often like to share with your love ones and/or you'd love to take it out to refresh your happiness - that is how important it is to have a good photographer for your wedding.
Look at your wedding budget again and think of how you are spending in the other areas over the pictures of your most precious day. Think about it: what wonderful memory and beautiful smiles can you give to your children, grandchildren, and even great grandchildren in your wedding pictures?
If you could spend thousands and thousands on things that will all end up in the rubbish bin and being sent to landfill later, why not make it the unforgettable pieces of your love to cherish forever?
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